Letter J

Jabiru: large tropical stork with massive bill

Jamb: metal leg-armour

Jiggery-pokery: deceptive or manipulative humbug

Juvenilia: works of one’s youth; early works of an artist or author

Jolley: guide for fixing a pottery mould for plates

Letter I


ILKE: kind or nature

INSECTIVOROUS: eating insects

IZZAT: honour

ICKLE: little

INATHINE: violet-coloured

Letter A

AARDWOLF: South African carnivorous fox-like animal.

ABENG: Jamaican bugle (music instrument) made from cow horn.

ABSORBEFACIENT: causing or promoting absorption.

ACIPENSER: sturgeon

ADVERSATIVE: word or phrase expressing opposition.

Letter B


BUSHWA: nonsense

BRUMOUS: foggy

BRACHYPODOUS: short-legged

BONASUS: bison

BIS: twice; in two places

Letter Y

YUZBASHI: Turkish military officer

YAPNESS: hunger

YEEP: to cheep

YAGER: nineteenth-century rifle

YARLING: wailing

Letter N

NEPHELOCOCCYGIA: the act of finding shapes in clouds.

NEUROPSYCHOLOGY: the study of the relation between brain and behaviour.

NIL: nothing.

NUTARIAN: a person who believes that nuts are the best kind of food.

NUMMAMOROUS: money-loving.