Week 3

AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18): This week you will travel to Jakarta, Indonesia, and you will have a great time. You will win in a coconut competition.

PISCES (February 19–March 20): You will have a bad day. Everything will go wrong – you will hit your head and knock yourself unconscious.

ARIES (March 21–April 19): Because you don’t like Christmas you will get attacked by 12 gingerbreads and they will use you as an ornament on their x-mas tree.

TAURUS (April 20–May 20): On Easter Day you will find an Easter rabbit, put it in a cage and keep it as your pet.

GEMINI (May 21–June 20): You will meet the Illuminati.

CANCER (June 21–July 22): Your mom will buy you a Lamborghini Aventador.

LEO (July 23–August 22): You will be really positive throughout the whole week, except Sunday.

VIRGO (August 23–September 22): You will start growing up too fast and you will suddenly be 33 years old and 167cm tall.

LIBRA (September 23–October 22): You will buy yourself your first Bitcoin.

SCORPIO (October 23–November 21): You will get stung by a scorpion.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21): You will get the main role in a horror movie called Andy the Killer.

CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19): It is going to rain all week and you will be sad.

Did You Know That …?

  1. Albert Einstein was offered the role of Israel’s second president in 1952, but declined.
  2. Napoleon was once attacked by rabbits.
  3. The “D” in D-Day stands for “Day”, in other words, “Day-Day”
  4. Ancient Egyptians used slabs of stones as pillows.
  5. The Anglo-Zanzibar war of 1896 is the shortest war on record lasting an exhausting 38 minutes.

Letter Y

YUZBASHI: Turkish military officer

YAPNESS: hunger

YEEP: to cheep

YAGER: nineteenth-century rifle

YARLING: wailing

Did You Know That …?

  1. Oklahoma’s state (USA) vegetable is the watermelon.
  2. One of the most popular pizza toppings in Brazil is green peas.
  3. The popsicle was invented by an 11-year-old in 1905.
  4. Eating bananas can help fight depression.
  5. Apples float in water because 25% of their volume is made of air.

Letter N

NEPHELOCOCCYGIA: the act of finding shapes in clouds.

NEUROPSYCHOLOGY: the study of the relation between brain and behaviour.

NIL: nothing.

NUTARIAN: a person who believes that nuts are the best kind of food.

NUMMAMOROUS: money-loving.