Blonde Jokes

Why did the blonde put water on her computer? To wash the Windows.

Why can’t a blonde dial 911? She can’t find the eleven.

Blonde: What does IDK stand for?

Brunette: I don’t know

Blonde: Why doesn’t anyone know!

Why did the blonde put her iPad in the blender? She was trying to make apple juice.

A blonde crashed a helicopter. A police officer asked her what happened. She says, It got cold so I turned off the fan.

Time to Laugh

I told my girlfriend she drew her eyebrows too high. She seemed surprised.

Did you hear about the italian chef that died? He pasta way.

Two blondes fell down a hole. One said, ‘It’s dark in here isn’t it?’ The other replied, ‘I don’t know; I can’t see.’

What’s black, red, black, red, black, red? A zebra with a sun burn.

Andy has 150 candy bars. He eats 125. What does Andy have now? Andy has diabetes now.