Did You Know That …?

1. If Pinocchio says »My nose will grow now« it would cause a paradox.

2. Heart attacks are more likely to happen on Monday.

3. Pirates wore earrings because they believed it improved their eyesight.

4. The first alarm clock could only ring at 4am.

5. Facebook, Skype and Twitter are all banned in China.

Did You Know That …?

1. Birds don`t urinate.

2. George W. Bush was once a cheerleader.

3. Paraskavedekatriaphobia is a fear of Friday the 13th.

4. The Twitter bird actually has a name – Larry.

5. The Titanic was the first ship to use the SOS signal.

Did You Know That …?

1. The first letters of the months July through to November spell JASON.

2. 1 googol is the number 1 followed by 100 zeros.

3. The oldest word in the English language is ‘town’.

4. Dreamt is the only word that ends in mt.

5. We’ve already forgotten 40% of what happened to us yesterday.

Did You Know That …?

1. The world’s oldest piece of chewing gum is over 5,000 years old!

2. A U.S. dollar bill can be folded approximately 4,000 times in the same place before it will tear.

3. A hippo’s wide open mouth is big enough to fit a 4-foot-tall child in.

4. It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.

5. Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from Public Libraries.

Did You Know That …?

1.The average person spends 6 months of their lifetime waiting on a red light to turn green.

2. The largest recorded snowflake was in Keogh, MT during year 1887, and was 15 inches wide.

3. A single cloud can weigh more than 1 million pounds.

4. You cannot snore and dream at the same time.

5. Coca-Cola would be green if coloring wasn’t added to it.

Did You Know That …?

  1. 11% of people are left handed.
  2. The average person falls asleep in 7 minutes.
  3. The most commonly used letter in the alphabet is E.
  4. The first English dictionary was written in 1755.
  5. A bear has 42 teeth.