
7th – No Housework Day (Yay, your mom can’t tell you to wash dishes!)

14th – Dolphin Day (Dolphins are so cute, aren’t they? ❤)

18th – Banana Day (We all like bananas, right?)

23rd – English Language Day (Do you like English?)

26th – Hug an Australian Day (Do you know any Australians?)

30th – Honesty Day (Don’t lie and be honest!)


1st – Pig Day (Pigs are so beautiful, aren’t they?)

8th – International Women’s Day (Buy a present for your mother!)

13th – Open an Umbrella Indoors Day (Why should we open an umbrella indoors?)

16th – World Sleep Day (You can sleep all day! J)

26th – Purple Day (Is your favourite colour purple?)

31st – Eiffel Tower Day (Have you ever visited Paris?)


9th – Pizza Day (The best day ever, right?)

11th – Make a Friend Day (Let’s make a friend!)

14th – International Book Giving Day (Will you give a book to someone?)

20th – Love Your Pets Day (Have you got any pets?)

21st – International Mother Language Day (What is your mother tongue?)

23rd – Banana Bread Day (Do you like bananas? If  the answer is »yes«, did you know that Banana Bread Day festival exists?)


3rd   – Festival of Sleep (We all love to sleep, right?)

11th  – Learn your name in Morse code day (Mine is …  .-  —- .- , and yours?)

16th  – Nothing Day (We will do nothing and enjoy at it.)

19th  – Popcorn Day (It’s Friday, you can watch a movie and eat some popcorn.)

21st  – Hugging Day (Hug the first person you see after breakfast.)

27th  – Chocolate Cake Day (You will celebrate this day, I guess.)