1. Dark or milk chocolate?

Miloš: Dark.

Iztok: Milk.

  1. Your favourite artist?

Miloš: Eric Clapton.

Iztok: Kevin Spacey.

  1. Your favourite book?

Miloš:  James Patterson’s works.

Iztok: The Shack.

  1. If you were a crayon in a crayon box, what colour would you be?

Miloš: Blue.

Iztok: Turquoise.

  1. If you had a tattoo, where would it be?

Miloš: I really don’t like tattoos, but if I HAD to, I would get something small on my hand…

Iztok: (Points at his upper back) I already have one.

  1. What’s your opinion on your job?

Miloš: Absolutely happy with it!

Iztok: There’s nothing better than it! Every day, I get a different task, I see something different.

  1. If you had to choose another profession, what would it be?

Miloš: I would either be an archaeologist or a gardener (everybody laughs).

Iztok: Nothing’s better than this.

  1. If you were stranded on an island and could only bring three people with you, who would you bring?

Miloš: My family!

Iztok: A pretty girl, a wise man and a great cook.


If you could have a super power, what would it be?

Miloš: To spread peace and love.

Iztok: I would like to be able to tell people, what their dream job is and what they have to focus on.